Feb 10, 2011

Shopping at the Commissary

I went shopping after my workout to grab some canned vegis. While I was at the commissary I noticed that all the food that is bad for you is setup in a maze that you have to travel through to get to the checkout. The Maze consisted of chips, gummy everything, and about 100 different types of Valentines day candy. I understand the idea of impulse buying, and this is probably a very good marketing tool. What I do not understand is why the Air Force is currently driving for a fitter more athletic Airman, and this blatant push of junk food is tolerated by the base commander.

I found this when I was looking for an article about junk food at the commissary.
Watch the video on the left of the site.  I call BS on this one I am going to go and take a picture at the Commissary tomorrow.

Here is another story I will call foul on.

Commissaries expand focus on health in 2011


  1. always shop the perimeter of the store. That's where you will find dairy, fresh veggies, fruits and vegetables. The final push is right in the check out lanes - candy!

  2. The commissary in the video is nicer than any commissary I've seen, & you're right that the front is filled with junk food.
