Weight Training

 My New Workout
Just started a new weight training workout schedule. I am still using the same types of exercises. 

 Mon - Core
Tues - Chest Back (P90Xish)
Wed - Arms (Shoulders/BI/TRI)
Thur - Core
Fri - Back Chest (Light)
Sat - Arms (Light)

The workout I selected is a short and demanding workout. I chose it not to increase in mass, but to the contrary. The workout is a very short full body workout that should keep me in shape but reduce my mid section body fat. After doing the first day as a trial I also noticed it is one hell of a legs and butt workout. I hope in a few weeks I will start seeing its benefits.
Day 1
High rep kettle Bell swings -- 53lbs (1lb=2.2kg) 75 reps ( can split up into sets until 75 can be done at once)
Myotic Crunch 10-15 Reps

Day 2
each exercises is done at 3 sets of 5 (reps 5sec up 5 sec down) 2 min rest between exercise.
Iso-Lateral dumbbell incline bench press
"Yates" bent rows (palms up 20/30 deg bent at waist)
Then- Reverse drag curls 2 sets 6 reps 3 min rest between sets

Day 3
High rep kettle Bell swings -- 53lbs (1lb=2.2kg) 75 reps ( can split up into sets until 75 can be done at once)
Myotic Crunch 10-15 reps

I put videos of each exercise below...

Yates Row

Kettle Bell Swings

Drag Curls

Myotic Crunch