Feb 22, 2011

Moody Triatholon Club

Can't wait to join up

Moody Triatholon Club

Manscaping Mistake

The other day I bought a Nerelco Body Groomer, which was a great investment. I used it to shave my chest which had gotten a little out of control. I think anyone that views my Friday update pics will thank me for that. I also used it to clean up some personal areas as well. I did however get a bit overzealous today. I was noticing my underarm hair was a little long, so I decided to make it a little more sightly. The problem is that I may have cut it too short and now it is very uncomfortable. I will probably regret this decision fora about  a week which should be enough time fore the hairs to grow out and stop stabbing me in the arm. I know this may be TMI, but no one is reading this blog yet.

Healthy Runner

It amazes me sometimes how some people can put something to mind and just do it for the rest of their live.  I wish I had this mans perseverance.

Man runs every day of his life.

Feb 14, 2011

Look Dumb in the Gym Challenge

Did I miss an Air Force wide memo? What is the deal with the way people are dressing in the gym? I saw some guys at the gym that looked like they were having a looking stupid contest. For example they all had on the finger shoes, shortest shorts ever, and tight dirty shirts.

Feb 10, 2011

The TRX suspension trainer

I don't know if anyone of you has heard of the TRX (website) but it is awesome. Well the concept is awesome. I do not actually own a TRX because they cost $200. Instead I went on to youtube and watched a 10 minute video on how to make my own. I have been using my home made TRX for about3 months now and it works great. I paid about $20 for all the pieces at Home Depot.  I bought 3 lashing straps, 2 D rings and about 20'' of PVC tubing. It took me about 30 mins to actually make the TRX too. I found better lashing straps later at a Harbor Freight for about $3.

Here is the video from youtube
Make your own

Shopping at the Commissary

I went shopping after my workout to grab some canned vegis. While I was at the commissary I noticed that all the food that is bad for you is setup in a maze that you have to travel through to get to the checkout. The Maze consisted of chips, gummy everything, and about 100 different types of Valentines day candy. I understand the idea of impulse buying, and this is probably a very good marketing tool. What I do not understand is why the Air Force is currently driving for a fitter more athletic Airman, and this blatant push of junk food is tolerated by the base commander.

I found this when I was looking for an article about junk food at the commissary.
Watch the video on the left of the site.  I call BS on this one I am going to go and take a picture at the Commissary tomorrow.

Here is another story I will call foul on.

Commissaries expand focus on health in 2011

Feb 9, 2011

Power Block Sport 5.0

I bought the Power Block Sport 5.0 about 4 months ago before leaving Little Rock. heT PB can go from 5lbs to 50lbs in 5 lb intervals. They can replace over 600 lbs of dumbbells that can cost about $800-$1000. I paid about $300 for mine, that seems like alot but its not. I absolutely love them. I was really wanting to buy the BowFlex SelecTec dumbbells, but I am glad I did not. The Power Block is about 1/3 smaller in length than the BF so there are no problems with the PB banging together during curls. The PB take about 15 secs to change from one weight setting to another. I have yet to find an exercise that I can not do with thee PB.

The Power Blocks are now being sold at the Air Force Exchange for about $100 dollars less than I paid.So not to happy about that.

Cross Fit

I added a link to the cross fit website. I have never tried to attempt the WOD because they always seem extremely difficult and I believe that I would injure myself doing them. However, I have used several of the individual moves within my workouts. I have found that the 'Air Squats' are one of the best individual workout components I have ever done. Pleas check out Xfit and see if you like it.

Feb 8, 2011

Runkeeper... a great running app and free

I have used Runkeeper to track my cardio workouts for about 4 months now. I have found that this app does as much if not more than the Nike + app and it is free. I used Nike+ for about 2 months and found that the website crashes every time that I try to check my runs. 


Military Fitness

I have been a member of the United States Military for 12 years, and have had trouble staying in shape do to injury's to both my knee and back. This website has a vast amount of information regarding military fitness tests, as well as general fitness.
