Mar 23, 2011

Running/Riding Across America...kinda

I decided a while back to do a virtual run/ride across America. From Mission Beach CA to Savannah GA it is 2346 miles. At this point I have gone almost 300 miles since September of last year (I took all of December and half of January off though). At this time I am over 10% done with my virtual journey and sitting comfortably in the town of Gila Bend AZ about 100 miles east of Tuscon AZ. I have been averaging 40 miles a month so far, but in the last 2 months I have ran and road about an average of 70 miles. I figure I can average around 50 miles a month from here on out so I should make to my virtual finish point in March-ish of 2014. Wish me luck and I will keep updating my current location.

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