Mar 1, 2011

First Fitness Goal Accomplished

When I started this blog I gave myself some attainable fitness goals. I accomplished my first goal today. That goal was to run 1.5 miles in 13mins or less. Today I went to the track on base and ran 1.5 miles in 12:40. It felt like I was running really slow because of yesterdays bike ride, but turns out I did pretty good. I am excited that it took me less than a month to accomplish a fitness goal. I have reset the goal to 12 min, and I am excited to see what goal I will accomplish next.

1 comment:

  1. There is definitely a difference in the pics It would be better if someone else took them and you did straight head on and side view.

    It doesn't matter what your hours are, you need that first meal of the day and then spread them out or you will get so hungry you binge.

    You're doing great!
