Jan 31, 2014

2014 Kirtland again

Hey it's been awhile.
I am back at Kirtland afb and been working out pretty hard.  I've made an effort to diet and will try and post some results. I was about 220 lbs after the holidays, we will see what the results of my work in a few weeks.

Apr 12, 2012


I have worked out almost every day since arriving in afghanistan. I thought I was making some good progress however yesterday I weighed myself.I weighed more than when I got here. I am guessing that it is due to my diet, So for the next two weeks ill be eating nothing but lean protein, shakes, and vegtables. I hope to improve my weight loss and drop about 8-10 lbs in the 2 weeks.

It was very depressing to know that in the 40 days I have been here I actually have gained 5 lbs.

Jun 20, 2011


Well since I left Albuquerque I have been a bad boy. I started to eat bad food, and havent been working out regularly. I am not happy with this. I am attributing this to my lack of motivation to workout. I am now going to push myself to get back on track
I have decided to make new fitness goals.
1. 205 lbs (currently 215lbs)
2. workout 5 days a week
3. Run a Triathalon
4. get PFT ready

I hope to accomplish these in 60 days
August 21 2011

Mar 23, 2011

Running/Riding Across America...kinda

I decided a while back to do a virtual run/ride across America. From Mission Beach CA to Savannah GA it is 2346 miles. At this point I have gone almost 300 miles since September of last year (I took all of December and half of January off though). At this time I am over 10% done with my virtual journey and sitting comfortably in the town of Gila Bend AZ about 100 miles east of Tuscon AZ. I have been averaging 40 miles a month so far, but in the last 2 months I have ran and road about an average of 70 miles. I figure I can average around 50 miles a month from here on out so I should make to my virtual finish point in March-ish of 2014. Wish me luck and I will keep updating my current location.

Mar 21, 2011

Why I weigh what I weigh

The other night I was thinking back to remember how I got to the point I was a month ago. I mean why I weighed what I weighed. I thought back to myself as a kid when I could gross out my Nana by sucking in my stomach and it would virtually touch my spine. I remember her telling my mom that she didn't feed me enough. (Which was not true). I can also remember my freshman year in gym class that when we got weighed for wrestling class I weighed a minuscule 144lbs, I was already 6 foot tall. After that I can not remember how much I weighed until I left for boot camp in 1999. The day I left for boot camp I weighed 166lbs. However, I was so nervous I hadn't eaten for 2 days. The next time after boot camp that I can remember being weighed, however it was done every year was before I left to go to Pensacola in 2004. At that time I weighed 185 lbs. So in 5 years I gained less than 20lbs. I recently checked my Marine Corps Fit Reps and noted the weights. From March of 2004 until my final Fit Rep in early 2008 I gained around 10 lbs a year ending at 214lbs. I entered the Air Force at exactly 214lbs. During OTS I dropped down to about 208lbs. Then during UPT I started gaining weight at an extremely fast pace from September of 2009 to March of 2010 I jumped to 230lbs. From that point I have been bouncing around from 220 to 225.